

A Natural Gastro-protective Remedy


A unique blend of six Pharmacopoieal herbs mixed at different ratios to harness their synergistic effects.

Rich in flavonoids, hesperidin, phenolic compounds, and other potent antioxidants.


Exhibits gastro-protective effects against gastric mucosal lesions.

Effectively inhibits secondary hyperacidity and reduces gastric acid production.

Diminishes the number of reflux episodes.

Alleviates gastro‐intestinal disturbances, nausea, and stomach upset.

Possesses significant anti‐inflammatory properties, relaxing the gastrointestinal tract tissues.

Acts as a potent free radical scavenger, exhibiting powerful antioxidant effects.


Tabreed can be confidently employed in the following conditions:

Gastric ulcerations and gastric mucosal lesions.

Stomach acidity, heartburn, stomachic issues, and indigestion.

Excessive gastric acid secretion.


Tabreed, meticulously formulated with a selected blend of five extensively researched herbs, demonstrates multifaceted actions owing to its rich composition of flavonoids, hesperidin, phenolic compounds, and other beneficial constituents. Feedback from clinicians who have employed this product have noted the following characteristics:

Anti-Inflammatory & Relaxing: Tabreed exerts a significant anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect on gastrointestinal tissues, promoting overall gut health.

Gastric Acid Regulation: It effectively inhibits excess acid secretion, contributing to a balanced and normal acidity level in peptic ulcer patients.

Symptom Relief: Tabreed effectively addresses symptoms caused by excessive stomach acid, including heartburn, stomach upset, and indigestion.

Secondary Hyperacidity Inhibition: The remedy helps prevent the occurrence of secondary hyperacidity.

Gastric Mucosal Protection: Tabreed offers a protective effect against gastric mucosal lesions, enhancing the overall health of the gastric lining.

Safety Profile

Tabreed has demonstrated an excellent safety profile with no reported side effects to date.


For adults and children aged 12 years and above:

Take 1-2 capsules after meals and at bedtime, up to three times daily.


Tabreed is available in both powder and sachet forms, ensuring easy and convenient administration.

In conclusion, Tabreed stands as a natural, effective, and well-researched gastroprotective remedy. Its unique blend of herbs and potent compounds allows for diversified actions that address various gastrointestinal concerns, while also promoting overall health with its antioxidant properties. Clinicians have confidently employed Tabreed to alleviate symptoms, regulate gastric acid levels, and provide protection against gastric mucosal lesions. With an impeccable safety record, Tabreed offers a promising natural solution for gastrointestinal health.