Consultations In addition to the already mentioned consultants, we have many other & well distinguished consultants all over the world. Our consultants are health care providers provide, recommend and consider the best outcomes for patients. They are professional in their fields with a wealth experience and education. All of them are seniors, esp a specialist, who asked to confirm diagnosis or treatment or even to provide an opinion.

We do consultations for the followings:

  1. 1. Body detoxification for toxic materials.
  2. 2. Adjust alkalinity of the cells and tissues of the body.
  3. 3. Adjust the body to heal itself by itself.
  4. 4. Diet protocols.
  5. 5. To eliminate microbes, parasites and other microorganisms from the body.
  6. 6. We do consultations on autoimmune diseases including Lupus, ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, AlZheimer’s, some cancers, fibromyalgia and other related diseases.
  7. 7. Male and female infertility.
  8. 8. Some skin diseases.
  9. 9. Diabetic foot ulcer.
  10. 10.Hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Professor Dr. Luay Rashan

Active Member of New York Academy of Sciences, USA
since 1999.
Member in the European Association for Cancer
Research (EACR) since 1996
Awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship - Germany
Member of multiple other local and international

Professor Dr. Heinz-Herbert Fiebig

Founder & CEO, 4HF Biotec
Professor of Medical Oncology And
Hematology, University of Freiburg, Germany(retired)
Founder of Oncotest GmbH
Awarded Czerny Prize (German Society of
Hematology And Oncology).

Professor Dr. Soulimani Rachid

Neurotoxicology Department, University of Lorraine,
President of the Association for Research on Stress,
Environment and Health “AGRESS”

Dr. Mohammad Suleiman

Deputy Medical Director, University Clinic for
Radio-Onkologie, Inselspital Bern and Bürgerspital
Director of Afia Centre for Radiotherapy and
Nuclear medicine Amman- Jordan (Formerly)
Lecturer Jordan University of Science &
Technology Irbid- Jordan (Formerly)
Certificate of Ability FMH in Phytotherapy,